Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My Kitchen

My favorite place in my home is the kitchen. Before you go to inside the kitchen, you will smell tang. It is smell of Arabic coffee. In the center the kitchen there is a black table with four chairs. On the right side a big white refrigerator and on the other side is white stove. Above the stove two kettles are bubble. The floor and the roof are white and the cupboard is black color. In fact the radio is turned in all the time which makes sound in the kitchen. Beside the table there is a big window which I can see my beautiful garden. In the corner there is balcony has two cats are mewing for waiting me to feed them. Finally, my kitchen is magnificence place.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Canada day

The first of July is an important day for all Canadians. It is Canada day. most people in Kamloops went to the River Side Park. My friends and I went there too. There are ltos of activities. For example, on the stage in the park was singing and dancing from different culture. On other side of the park many children were playing in the water. There are many sections which sell foods, drinks and ice-cream. In fact, the weather was hot in the afternoon, but the people had cold drinks. It was crowded, but the police arranged the streets. The children were playing in water. Some people stayed and relaxed in the beach .At 10:30pm the fireworks started. It was fabulous. Finally, Canada day in Kamloops was magnifec day.

Friday, June 26, 2009


The art of shipbuilding has some odd traditions, and one of the most interesting of all has its roots in Greek and Roman history. During ancient Greek and Roman times, when a new ship was built, a small number of coins were left under the mast the ship. The shipbuilders did this for a very special reason. In case of a disaster at sea, the deadcrew needed thses coins to pay to get the afterlife. It was believed that sailors without money to cross this river would not be able to take their place in te aft erlife.According to legend, the crew members gave these coins to the ferry master Charon to take them across the river styx to hades, the land of the dead. today scientists find evidence of this long-standing tradition in a variety of locations, from the decayed remains of old Greek ships to the still active frigate U.S.S. constitution.
The topic:
Shipbulding tradiational
Topic sentence:
The art of shepbulding has some odd traditions and one of the most interesting of all has its roots inGreek and Roman hisytory.
The purpose of the paragraph: Introducing the ancient traditions used in shipbuilding during the Greek and Roman times.
In my opinion, I think the paragraph is good.

Home work

During ancient Greek and Roman times' when a new ship was built , asmall number of coins were left under the mast of ship. The shipbuilders did this for a very special reason.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Do as you should be done by

Do as you should be done by

In fact, Arabic language has a lot of quotes. For example, do as you should be done by. It means if you are polite with people, they will be polite with you. However if you disrespect people, obviously, they will not respect you. Another meaning is if you don’t respect yourself no one will respect you. Finally, Arabic language is very rich.

Last week

Last week all my friends went to out Kamloops and they told me come with us. I hoped but I couldn’t because my wife was in hospital with my new baby. After she went to home a lot of my friends and teachers visited me in my home to see my baby. Finally, I was so hoppy in this week.

My Father's Advice

Actually, my father gave me a lot of advice. One of them I should to keep smiling. It is a good for many reasons. For example, in the world expensive things a smile is free. He said to me smiling helps you to stay positive, and makes you seem successful. He told me smiling helps you to have friends wherever you go .Finally, it is very nice and easy to do. I will pass it to my son how to do it.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Important Personal Quality for Living in a Foreign Country

In my opinion, an important personal quality for living in a foreign country is a patience. In fact, I am going to explain that for you. First of all, you have to be patient about studying a new language. For example, when I came to Canada I couldn’t speak English very well, but now I fell improve because I was patient. Second, to understand a new culture you must be patient. When you decide to live in a foreign country, in the beginning you will not understand their culture, so you have be patient for a few months. In short, if you have a patience, you will develop your skills in your a new life.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Learning Foreign Language

Learning foreign language is useful in many ways .First of all, it will be easy to find a good job such as customer service in banks, Second, it is a window to know other culture's customs such as: foods, religions, and community. It helps you to meet other people, and you can understand them. Third, it is successful to make friendship from different countries in Internet. Next, it gives you more interest in traveling and speaking with people in hotels, coffee shops, and bars. In brief, learning foreign language improve yourself

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My Favorite Food

Everyone has a favorite food in the life. Actually, I like many kinds of foods such as: Lebanon, Italian and Syrian foods .I would like to write about my best meal is (Mussagah). Mussagah is traditional male from Egypt. It contins of vegetables, tomato, onion, potato, and eggplant with small pieces of chicken or beef. When you eat Mussagah ,it is important to have it with bread ,hot sauce, and cup of cook or PEPSI. It is so delicious . You should trust me , and try to eat it. Finally , If you eat it, you won’t forget it.

Big Difference

There are many differences between my country and Canada. I want to write about one thing. First of all weather in Canada is colder than Saudi Arabia in the winter because Canada close to Alaska, but my country is hotter than Canada in the summer because my country near to desert. The winter in Canada has a lot of snow, but in my country we have never seen snow. On other hand Canada has raining in the summer, but in my country we have no rain in the summer and if it rain we will very happy and go out door.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My ideal house

Everyone has dreams in the life. My dream is to buy a nice house in my country specific close to my parent's house. I like a big house. It has a view of the beach. Also it has big rooms, magnificence furniture, and swimming pool with a nice park. I hope my house has a modern electronic system. I want a nice meeting room with comfortable chairs. I need a current JYM, and a big garage for my cars and guest, car . I kike attractive design with a nice color. I hope everyone find his or her dream.

Monday, May 11, 2009

trip to vancouver

I would like to write about what I did last month. First of all, I went to Vancouver with my best friend. When we arrived there, we visited our friends. Secondly, we spent a good time with them. While we were in Vancouver, we went to Cappilano Bridge. Finally, I decided to going to Victoria, but I had not time. Also, we walked around down town and went to shopping. In short, we had a lot of fun when we were there.